Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Re-Cap of the Boston Intensive

CR: What are the materials?
Response: Glass structures w/ slats

Tom: How does the cube float?
Response: Small structures

Herb: You are subverting the original nature of the statue. I hope you are doing this purposely. Other thing, modern edge, with apple. 10-30 years ago is dated. Allow the buildings to be eternally changeable, and control the site plan.

Lady: The two first buildings are the strongest. Maybe these are how you experience the site. Maybe you sink the back two. Is it hip enough to put a stair on the floating building or an elevator room.

Herb: Building at street-scape needs to draw people in. The ones in back not sure what programming could this be.

Enno: Since the two back buildings are small, maybe you can combine the four into two.

Herb: Combine in a way to have a relationship, keep the cubic nature but combine the structure.

CR: What’s the relationship to the food court and your building?

Herb: Burning man site festival. Take a look.

Tom: First to celebrate street level to building. That’s a good thing. Not sure what prerogative is.

Herb: Public has a multiplicity of options.

Tom: Stair, no connection between the objects on the site. There seems to be no sense of what the buildings are and how to get into them. What do the punched opening get at? Like to see 4 site plans because all are different. Need an experience into the building and then we can look back at the stair.

Herb: You have expressed the experience of the site by the benches. Maybe that can be carried out through out the space.

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